SODOCIPRE holds successful Central American and Caribbean Congress


In an event that constituted a record in participation in Central America and the Caribbean, The Dominican Society of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (SODOCIPRE) successfully held the VIII Central American and Caribbean Congress and XIII Dominican Congress of Plastic Surgery, titled «New Challenges Of Plastic Surgery. » The event, which was attended by several of the Major Teachers of the Specialty of Europe and the American Continent, took place at the Barceló Bávaro Convention Center from September 7 to 10, 2011. About 250 Surgeons Plastics between Dominicans and other 22 member nations of the Iberolatino-American Federation of Plastic Surgery (FILACP).
Before the Congress a Course on Refinements in Aesthetic Surgery was held, which was organized by the Aesthetic Chapter of FILACP.
In addition, a Congress of Residents of FILACP, organized by the Teaching Foundation of FILACP and a Plenary on Ethics in Plastic Surgery conducted by the Ethics Committee of the Federation, was held in the Congress.

In the event the main aspects of the specialty were discussed, with the highest scientific level and the social part was qualified by the Brotherhood and camaraderie that always characterized the Plastic Surgeons who are part of the FILACP.

In the Closing Ceremony, Dr. José Tariki, President of FILACP, who congratulated SODOCIPRE for the Great Organization of the Congress, Dr. Jean Paul Giudicelli, President of the Organizing Committee, thanked the Board of Directors Of the Society for the trust deposited in his person to organize the event, as well as the companies Sponsors of the same, and Dr. Aniceto Rodríguez, President of SODOCIPRE who highlighted the High Scientific Level of Plastic Surgery in the Dominican Republic and Iberolatinoamerica, While thanking the Participating Professors for sharing their experiences and as well as the Members of the Society and Plastic Surgeons of the Brother Countries for the support given to this Great event.

Among the participating Professors are: Aldo Motura and Guillermo Vásquez from Argentina; Patrick Tonnard of Belgium; Carlos Uebel, José Tariki, Gisela Pontes, Ronaldo Pontes, from Brazil; Patricio Léniz from Chile; Celso Bohorquez from Colombia; Rómulo Guerrero, Ecuador; José María Palacín, María del Mar Vaquero, from Spain; Guillermo Echeverría, Guatemala, Ángel Carranza, Fernando Magallanes, José Guerrerosantos, José Luis Haddah, Lázaro Cárdenas, Manuel García Velasco, Salvador Negrete, Alejandro Duarte y Sánchez, Mexico, Julio Daniel Kirsbaum of Peru, Reynaldo Kube of Venezuela, among others.

