What are the indications for an Aesthetic Surgery?
The procedures of aesthetic surgery are not crucial for living, although they could improve the emotional aspect, social, labor and couple relationship. The main indication for an aesthetic procedure is the desire to change a part of the body that you dislike (i.e. big breast, very bulky abdomen, hung down eyelids). If you feel ashamed of being seen naked by your partner, if clothes don’t fit well.
It is a factor to take into account for an aesthetic surgery. In most of the aesthetic procedures it is necessary for the person to reach a certain age in which maturation and the growth of tissues that are going to be treated is complete. The advanced age is not an absolute contraindication, the important thing is to know the health condition of the person and to rule out any pathology that are common in the elderly, and that can contraindicate the surgery.
The fact of not having had children does not contraindicate absolutely the procedure. Although it is clear that certain procedures, such as reduction and breasts lift and abdominoplasty, are preferable to do as soon as you have the children that you wish to have. Not because you cannot breastfeed after the surgery, but because it is clear that the pregnancies can alter the results of the surgery.
Certain diseases that can contraindicate plastic surgery are poorly controlled diabetes, high blood pressure, repetitive asthma crisis, chronic pulmonary disease, thyroid disturbances, anemia or coagulation alterations, etc. Therefore all patients that will undergo plastic surgery must be very strictly evaluated by the operating surgeon performing a complete medical history and undergo blood work and a full cardiovascular evaluation by a cardiologist. Sometimes is may be necessary to have an evaluation by another specialist (i.e. endocrinologist, pneumologist, hematologist etc.) depending on individual needs. Also it is important to state that the abdominoplasty and liposuction are not intended for losing weight, but to give harmony to the body. Possibly as a result of the diet and exercise that you lead after the surgery you can lose a few kilos. Another important detail is that breast surgery does not alter your sensitivity and that if you have another child you will have no problems breastfeeding.